Less Challenging Behavior
More Effective Responses

Two ways that Gerety Education Team can help your teachers

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About this video

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You've seen the headlines:
  • Teacher turnover hits new highs across the U.S.
  • Student behavior is the leading cause for teachers leaving

And you've heard the conversations:
  • “A lot of these students are suffering with intense emotional problems and high needs — I noticed a lot more emotional outbursts.”
  • “I was very overwhelmed and stressed. I was anxious and tired all the time.”
  • “We can put a man on the moon, but yet we can’t find teachers.”
  • “I don’t get paid enough to deal with…”

Help is available, accessible, and affordable!

Watch the video to learn about how Gerety Education Team's online courses can increase learning and decrease challenging behavior in your classrooms. You'll learn: 
  • The needs that Transition Bootcamp and Responding to Challenging Behavior meet
  • The structure and contents of each course
  • What participants say about the changes in their classroom as a result of these courses
  • Cost and logistics
  • Your next step

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We're happy to answer questions via email or set up a call.

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We're happy to answer questions via email or set up a call.