Teaching doesn't have to feel so hard.
Stop dreading your work day and start doing the kind of teaching you used to dream of.
There's no magic wand, but transformation is possible
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We've helped hundreds of teachers create the classroom of their dreams, and we can help you, too. We'll give you the tools and strategies you need to prevent challenging behavior before it starts, and respond effectively when challenging behavior does happen.

You'll have more time and energy for planning, engaging, and actually teaching. You'll feel calm, confident, and ready for whatever each day brings.

We know you're overwhelmed - the last thing you need is more to do! That's why this isn't your typical PD. It's bite-sized lessons and ideas that don't take much effort, but that really work...
yes, even with your kids! Even this year! 

We'll help you get your mojo back, no matter what age you're teaching, what curriculum you're using, or what impossible mandates are coming down from the state or district.

Our self-paced teacher courses focus on the two things that will make the biggest impact on how you feel about your job.
Which of these makes you want to see if McDonalds is hiring?
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Here's what teachers have said about our courses:
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Teachers can pace the learning to fit their schedule, the cost is more than reasonable, the lessons can be completed within the day and responsibilities you already have. Every teacher should take this course!!
This is one of the best trainings we have taken in a long time. Very good information and wonderful examples and scenarios that make it easy to understand and implement in class.
I think it should be encouraged/required for co-teachers to take together! We really enjoyed taking the course together as a team and we see how much of a difference it has been for us because of putting our brains together.
The depth of information and ability to get the point across in a condensed and simple way in a short time was great. We are required to take courses and keep up with changes in our world and still teach our students. It is hard to fit it all in, and this course really worked.
The information was amazing and it was broken down into easy steps to really relate and make it useful. The course website was also really easy to navigate and understand.
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Need more information?

We're happy to answer questions via email or set up a call.